Wave guide
A one man optics and photonics consulting company specialized on laser technology based in Finland.
Laser design feasibility and cost estimates
Market analysis on existing technologies and price comparison.
Proposals on self-made systems and cost analysis.
Simulations on laser performance.
Information on Finnish photonics market
Optical measurement systems
Polarization measurements, beam quality (M2) measurements, SNR, pulse measurements, pump-probe setups etc.
Setting up custom measurement setup designs for customers
Fiber lasers and amplifiers & prototyping
Ultrashort (50 fs-100 ps) , nanosecond & CW systems prototypes.
Ytterbium, erbium & thulium bands.
Who am I?
PhD from Photonics from Tampere University on Ultrafast pulsed systems
Industry experience from NKT Photonics after PhD
Postdoc / Staff-scientist in Photonics laboratory at Tampere University since 2019
Involved in high power start-up 2019-2021
Photonics consulting since 2022